The Quick Notes Pad

Better than some yellow sticky notes or random scraps of paper, this was designed for intentional idea capturing right at your fingertips.
Our Quick Notes Pad is a place to toss those things that come to your mind, that can wait for later but you do not want to forget. Whether it is a quote, a thought, a conversation, something you want to look up, something you want to purchase, or a text or email you need to send, simply use the Quick Notes Pad as a “brain-dump” for all the distractions that will draw you away from your focus and then add them to your schedule later. We can’t give into every thought or emotion that passes through us, we need to remember it and give it a place without chasing everything down the moment we think about it. It’s training our brains and our bodies to steward our thoughts and ideas without letting what appears to be urgent dictate what we had already planned and prioritized.